主要论文及著作: |
1. 出版专著“Recent Advances in Wireless Sensors and Sensors Network”(德国Springer出版社)
2. Hao Jiang. Incorporating Human Movement Behavior into the Analysis of Spatially Distributed Infrastructure. PLOS one, January, 2016.
3. Hao Jiang. SDN-Based Application Framework for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. IEEE Access journal. March, 2016.
4. Hao Jiang. CR-MDC: A Method of Constrained Route for Avoiding Congestion of the Satellite Sensor Network for Agriculture,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, 11 pages, 2015.
5. Hao Jiang, Chen Zhou. TDOCP: A Two-Dimensional Optimization Integrating Channel Assignment and Power Control for Large-scale WLANs with Dense Users[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2015, 26: 114-127.
6. Wu L, Hao Jiang, Zheng H, et al. Long tail and small world characteristic of mobile internet traffic dynamics[C] Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 2899-2904.
7. Wanghao, Hao Jiang. A Granger Causality Based Bayesian Networks Approach to Traffic Forecasting in Large Scale 802.11 Networks. Journal: 11th International Conference on Optical Internet & Workshop on Convergence Communications. 2013,8.
8. Lihua Wu, Hao Jiang. Statistic Analysis of Data Access Behavior in the Mobile Internet. Journal: IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China. 2013,6.
9. Wanghao, Hao Jiang. A Particle Filter and Joint Likelihood Ratio Based Error Source Diagnosing Method for IEEE 802.11 Networks. Journal: Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing. 2013,5. (SCI Index)
10. Lintao Yang, Hao Jiang, Sai Wang,Lin Wang, Yuan Fang. Characterizing Pairwise Contact Patterns in human Contact Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier. 2011,10(3), pp:524-535. (SCI Index)
11. Lintao Yang, Sai Wang,Hao Jiang. Cyclic temporal network density and impact on information diffusion for Delay Tolerant Networks [J]. International Journal on Smart sensing and Intelligent Systems,2011,Vol 4,No 1, pp:35-52. (EI Index)
12. Jiang Hao, Chen Lijia, Wu jing, Chen Siyue, Henry Leung. A Reliable and high bandwidth multi-hop wireless sensor network for mine tunnel. IEEE Sensor Journal,Vol 9,No 11,pp:1511-1517,2009 (SCI Index)
13. Jiang Hao, Yang Yang, Xu Jun, Wang Lin. Estimation of Packet Error Rate at Wireless Link of VANET. Book Chapter of “ Recent Advances in Wireless Sensors and Sensors Network”, pp: 329-359. published by Springer in 2010.
14. 杨林涛, 江 昊.基于Markov链Packet-level的VANET差错预测模型及性能预估.电子学报,2009.10. pp:303-308.
15. YANG Lintao, Jiang Hao. A Four-state Markov Model Based on Measurements for Evaluating the Packet-level Performance of VANET.VTC fall 2008. pp:169-173, Sept. 2008.
16. Chen lijia, Jiang Hao. A?Contention-based?Efficient information?Perception?Algorithm (CEiPA ) ?for?VANET. 高技术通讯(英文版),2009.4,pp:14-21.
17. Jiang Hao, Guo Hao. Reliable and Efficient Alarm Message Routing in VANET. International Workshop on Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Mobile Networks 2008, pp:186-191.(EI Index)
18. 陈立家, 江昊. 车用自组织网络传输控制研究. 软件学报,vol 18, 2007.6, pp:1477-1490.(EI Index: 072810697497)